Effective 9 November 2023
The New Payments Platform (NPP) is a faster, more versatile, simpler, and more data rich, near real-time payment system, which meets the needs of a 24/7 digital economy.
The NPP allows for two new payment types, Single Credit Transfers (SCTs) and Osko Payments. The NPP also allows you send or receive payments using a PayID, which is an alternative to having to use a BSB and account number. However, you can still use a BSB and account number if you prefer.
The terms and conditions in this document are additional to the terms and conditions applying to the account through which you access NPP and Osko Payments. If there is any inconsistency between this document and your account terms and conditions, this document prevails.
We may, acting reasonably, impose limits on the value or the aggregate value of any SCT, Osko or other NPP Payments permitted over a particular period. Heritage has a minimum transaction limit of $3 with a maximum transaction amount of $5,000 per day per member number for NPP Payments. The NPP cannot be used for transactions below the minimum transaction limit or above the maximum transaction amount. You can reduce the maximum limit through our Internet Banking (but not our Mobile Banking App) and if you do reduce the maximum limit and then wish to increase it, you will need to contact Heritage to make arrangements. The daily limit can't be increased above the $5,000 limit, under any circumstances.
PayID is a different type of account identifier that can be used to make payments instead of a BSB and account number. Of course you can still use BSB and account number if you prefer, but PayID represents an alternative for you to choose from.
A PayID must be linked to one of your Heritage Bank accounts and will be either your e-mail address or Australian mobile telephone number.
Once a PayID is created, any payments which a person makes to that PayID will be directed to the account that is linked to that PayID (‘the Linked Account’).
Not all Heritage account types will be enabled to send and receive SCT and Osko Payments. For example, any savings account with lending functionality is excluded along with personal loans, credit cards and mortgage accounts. Please discuss this with us if you have any concerns.
Each PayID can only be linked to one account at a time, but an account can have multiple PayIDs linked to it. For example, you can create your Australian mobile number and email address as PayIDs to the same account (in which case payments made to either PayID type will be directed to the same account), but you can’t create your Australian mobile number or email address as the PayID for more than one account at a time.
Where your account is held in joint names, each account holder can link their own PayIDs to the one account.
You are not obliged to create or use a PayID for your account. You can continue to operate your account without a PayID, in which case payments to your account will require your BSB and account number.
(a) You can create a PayID for your eligible account through our Mobile Banking App. We cannot create a PayID for you - only you can create a PayID.
(b) In creating a PayID, you confirm that:
(i) you own, or are otherwise authorised to use, the PayID;
(ii) the PayID is current, accurate and complete;
(iii) you are authorised to operate the account to which the PayID relates; and
(iv) you agree to your PayID being created in the PayID Service.
(c) We can, acting reasonably, refuse your request to create a PayID where:
(i) we have not yet completed verifying your identity;
(ii) we are not satisfied that you own or are otherwise authorised to use that PayID;
(iii) we reasonably suspect that the PayID is or has been or will be used for a fraudulent purpose;
(iv) we consider the PayID could mislead or deceive a payer into sending you NPP Payments intended for another payee, or that we otherwise deem inappropriate;
(v) in the case of an Organisation Identifier, it uses identifiers of other trade marked/patented payment schemes without the agreement of the owning scheme;
(vi) we are required to do so by law or by the operator of the New Payments Platform; or
(vii) the PayID is already created.
(d) Where your attempt to create a PayID is unsuccessful, we will inform you of the reason why. This may be because the PayID is already registered, or an incorrect format has been used, or the account against which it is being registered is not in scope for the PayID Service. Please be aware that we cannot disclose personal information in connection with duplicate PayIDs.
(e) If the PayID is already registered to you (but on another account), you may apply to transfer that PayID as set out below.
(f) If the PayID is already created by someone else and is active or inactive for less than 6 months, we will try to assist to resolve this by contacting the financial institution or other entity that registered that PayID, who is then required to contact the customer to which the PayID is registered to establish if that customer has the right to use the PayID. If that person cannot establish that they are the rightful owner of the PayID, their financial institution is required to close that PayID. We may share with you the details of the other financial institution but can't disclose the identity of the other customer or their account details to you.
(g) We will check in with you periodically to confirm that your PayID is current.
A PayID Name must be registered with your PayID. When you create your PayID, we will issue you a PayID Name which is a reasonable representation of your account name.
EG: Account in the name of Geoffrey Alexander Smith will have a PayID Name of G A Smith, this is to ensure that the payer can confirm that they are sending the funds to the correct payee.
(a) You can transfer your PayID to another Heritage branded account, or to an account of a different brand or with another financial institution. You can do this through the ‘PayID’ function in our Mobile Banking App, which means that your PayID will be placed by Heritage in "transfer mode". You will not be able to transfer your PayID while your PayID is locked (see below).
(b) In transferring a PayID, you represent and warrant that you have authority to use the PayID.
(c) A transfer of your PayID to another eligible account with us will generally be effective immediately.
(d) A transfer of your PayID to another financial institution is completed by that institution. You will need to follow that financial institution’s PayID creating process, with that financial institution then transferring your PayID across to them.
(e) Until the transfer is complete, payment to your PayID will continue to be directed to your current Linked Account with us, unless your PayID is locked (see below). If the other financial institution does not complete the transfer within 14 days, the transfer will be deemed to be ineffective and your PayID will remain with your current Linked Account. You can try to transfer your PayID again at any time.
To transfer a PayID to an account held with an account of a different brand or another financial institution, to an account with Heritage, you will need to start the process with that financial institution and then complete the transfer with us by creating a PayID with us using our Mobile Banking App.
(a) You must keep your PayID details current, accurate and complete. You must notify us promptly of any change to your PayID details.
(b) You must close your PayID promptly if you no longer own or have authority to use your PayID.
(a) You may wish to temporarily stop payments to your PayID. You can do this by locking your PayID through the ‘PayID’ function in the Mobile Banking App.
(b) We can lock your PayID at any time without notice if we reasonably suspect that your PayID has been used for a fraudulent purpose or there is suspected suspicious activity relating to the use of the PayID.
(c) You will not be able to transfer your PayID or receive payments addressed to your PayID while your PayID is locked.
(d) You can unlock your PayID through the ‘PayID’ function in the Mobile Banking App.
(a) You can close your PayID through the ‘PayID’ function in the Mobile Banking App.
(b) In closing a PayID, you confirm that:
(i) you are authorised to operate the account to which the PayID relates; and
(ii) you have, or had in the past, authority to use, the PayID.
(c) Closing a PayID results in removal of your PayID from the PayID Service.
(d) We can close your PayID where:
(i) we reasonably suspect that the PayID is or has been used for a fraudulent purpose;
(ii) there is suspected suspicious activity relating to the use of the PayID;
(iii) your PayID has remained locked for a period that we consider to be unreasonable; or
(iv) we are required to do so by law or by the operator of the New Payments Platform.
(e) We may automatically close your PayID at any time without giving you notice and without responsibility for any loss which you suffer as a result:
(i) if the Linked Account for that PayID is closed (unless you are working with us to open another account) or you cease to be authorised to operate the Linked Account;
(ii) if there is evidence that you no longer have the right to use that PayID or it is no longer in use;
(iii) if it has not been used in 3 years;
(iv) if it has been inactive for 3 months or more and we have been unable to contact you to resolve a conflict with someone else using or attempting to use the same PayID; or
(v) for security reasons;
(vi) if we have reasonable grounds to believe that your account is being used in connection with fraud, misuse or for any other inappropriate use; or
(vii) if we have reasonable grounds to believe that there is a material risk of loss to you or us.
However, we will responsible for loss you suffer to the extent that the loss is caused by our fraud, negligence, or wilful misconduct (including that of our officers, employees, contractors or agents)
You acknowledge that not all accounts and payment types support payment to a PayID. The ability for a payer to pay your PayID depends on the payer’s financial institution and on the type of account and payment to be made. As a result, in some cases you may need to provide your BSB and account number to the payer.
Where we and the sending financial institution determine that a NPP Payment made to your account is either a mistaken internet payment or a payment made in error, we may, without your consent, and subject to complying with any other applicable terms and conditions (see below), deduct from your account an amount equal to that mistaken internet payment or payment made in error. A payment made in error includes a fraudulent payment, an over payment, duplicate payment, payment error made by us or a Misdirected Payment. Refer to clause Condition 25 – Guide to Deposit products for more information regarding handling of mistaken payments.
(a) You acknowledge that not all accounts and payment types support payment to a PayID. Your ability to pay someone using their PayID depends on their financial institution and on the type of account and payment to be made – you will be able to tell this from the Mobile Banking App. You do not need to have a PayID in order to pay someone using their PayID.
(b) You acknowledge that we are not obliged to effect a NPP Payment if you do not give us all of the information required by the Mobile Banking App or if any of the information you give us is materially inaccurate.
(c) When you enter the PayID in the payee field of the relevant service, we will check to confirm that the PayID has been created in the PayID Service. Where it has, we will display to you on screen the Shortname attached to that PayID. You must check that the Shortname displayed matches the person that you intend to pay. If you do not recognise the Shortname or the Shortname does not match who you intend to pay, you should contact your intended payee to confirm that all details are correct before proceeding to make payment. Incorrect details could result in a payment to the wrong account and may result in loss of your funds.
(d) You should ensure that all information you provide in relation to any NPP Payment is correct as we will not be able to cancel a NPP Payment once it has been processed by us.
(e) Where you make a NPP Payment from an account that has a debit card attached to it, you are making the payment from the account and not the card and as such chargeback rights do not apply.
(f) When you direct a payment to a PayID connected to a joint account, the other accountholders may be able to see the messages and notifications associated with the payment.
(a) Heritage will soon be introducing the ability for its customers to make future dated payments to a PayID. We will let you know once this functionality is enabled.
(b) We may attempt to make the payment at any time on the scheduled payment date. As a result you should ensure that you have sufficient funds available throughout the day to satisfy the withdrawal. We may decline to process the payment if, at the time we try to make the payment, you don’t have sufficient funds in your account.
(c) On the scheduled payment day, before we try to make the payment we check the PayID Service to confirm whether the PayID and/or BSB and account is still registered and whether there has been a change in the name attached to the PayID since the time you set the payment up. We won’t be able to process the payment if the PayID is no longer registered or is locked, and we won’t process the payment if the name attached to the PayID has changed. You should check the payment status at the end of the day that the payment was scheduled to be made to confirm whether it has gone through.
(a) You may stop using the PayID service at any time.
(b) PayID may be temporarily unavailable for the purpose of performing system maintenance or upgrades. We will notify you when this occurs, where reasonably practicable.
(c) We will be required to terminate the PayID Service that we offer to our members if our participation in, or the provision of, the New Payments Platform is suspended, ceases or is cancelled. We will provide you with as much notice of this as is possible in the circumstances if this occurs.
(d) Notification of the above may include by posting to our website or through direct communication with you.
(a) Heritage will be subscribing to Osko under the BPAY Scheme. We will let you know once this functionality is enabled.
(b) All eligible accounts can receive or send Osko Payments. However, you will need to use the Mobile Banking App or internet banking in order to view full remittance details or other data that is sent with an Osko Payment to your account. When making an Osko Payment, you must not enter inappropriate payment descriptions such as insulting or defamatory text. We will not be liable to you or any other person for inappropriate payment descriptions.
(c) Payments using Osko are not BPAY payments (and Bpay terms and conditions outlined in section 18 of the Guide to Deposit products) do not apply to payments using Osko).
(d) If you are a business customer, then for so long as you are a business customer of Heritage, you may use the Osko marks (which are specific to Osko and which are owned or licensed by BPAY) for the purposes of advertising your participation in and promotion of Osko and the Scheme generally.
(a) For eligible accounts, you can make Osko Payments through our Mobile Banking App. You acknowledge that we are not obliged to effect an Osko Payment if you do not give us all of the information required by the Mobile Banking App or if any of the information you give us is materially inaccurate.
(b) You can make Osko Payments to a PayID or to a BSB and account number, provided that the account that you are paying is able to receive Osko Payments. Some payees might not be able to receive Osko or NPP Payments, depending on their account or payment type or their financial institution.
(c) If the PayID or account that you entered does not accept Osko Payments but is capable of accepting other types of NPP Payment, we may send the payment as another NPP Payment type. In this case, we will still send the payment in near real-time but the timing of making the funds available to the payee is at the discretion of the receiving bank.
(d) You should ensure that all information you provide in relation to any Osko Payment is correct as we will not be able to cancel an Osko Payment or other NPP Payment once it has been processed by us.
(e) Where you make an Osko Payment from an account that has a debit card attached to it, you are making the payment from the account and not the card and as such chargeback rights do not apply.
(f) When you receive an Osko Payment it will immediately form part of the available balance of your account, even if you receive the Osko Payment after the end of a banking day. However, where you receive an Osko Payment after the end of a banking day, that payment may not be included in the balance of your account for other purposes (such as interest, fees or overdrawing calculations) until the next banking day.
(a) You may stop using the Osko service at any time.
(b) We may suspend your ability to make Osko Payments or other NPP Payments at any time where we believe on reasonable grounds that it is necessary to do so to prevent loss to Heritage or you, including where we suspect that the service is being used or will be used in a fraudulent manner.
(c) We may also make the service temporarily unavailable for the purpose of performing system maintenance or upgrades. We will notify you when this occurs, where reasonably practicable.
(d) We will be required to terminate the Osko service that we offer to our members if our membership of BPAY or our participation in Osko is suspended, ceases or is cancelled or if BPAY ceases to provide the Osko service. We will provide you with as much notice of this as is possible in the circumstances if this occurs.
(e) Notification of the above may include by posting to our website or through direct communication with you.
(a) By registering your PayID, you agree to your registration with the PayID Service provided on behalf of Heritage by Australian Settlements Limited and hosted by NPP Australia Limited.
(b) In order to provide you with the NPP service and Osko service, we may need to disclose your Personal Information to third parties. You consent to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of information about you (such as your PayID, PayID Name and account details) for Heritage and other parties to access, use, disclose and store when facilitating payments or registering and validating PayIDs, including NPP Australia Limited, BPay Pty Limited, Reserve Bank of Australia, Australian Settlements Limited, other PayID Service participants or financial institutions and service providers to these entities.
(c) To the extent that such collection, storage, use and disclosure constitutes a collection, storage, use and disclosure of personal information within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), you provide your consent to that.
(d) When making NPP payments or creating and amending a PayID via the Mobile Banking App, Heritage monitors your transactions to track fraud. To do this we need to access, collect and store data about your device, such as its IP address and location at the time of making the NPP payment or creating and amending a PayID. To the extent that this data constitutes personal information, we will deal with it in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
(e) To help payers identify who they are paying, your PayID Name may be displayed alongside your PayID to any person that enters your PayID as the address for an intended payment. For example, if your mobile number is your PayID, then any person who enters your mobile number in the payee address field of their internet banking may see your PayID Name attached to that mobile number.
(f) Where you hold a joint account, other account holders may be able to see messages and notifications associated with payments and other messages addressed to your PayID.
(g) If we are not able to access, collect, store, use and disclose your Personal Information as set out in this section, then we may not be able to provide you with the NPP or Osko services.
We may change these terms or impose or vary any fees and charges at any time for one or more of the following reasons:
(a) to comply with any change or anticipated change in any relevant law, code of practice, guidance or general banking practice;
(b) to reflect any decision of a court, ombudsman or regulator;
(c) to reflect a change in our systems or procedures, including for security reasons;
(d) to respond to changes in the cost of providing the NPP or Osko services;
(e) discontinue NPP or Osko services in which case we may change the terms of the services to reflect a different service with similar features to the discontinued service; or
(f) to make these terms clearer or to add features.
We’ll act reasonably when exercising these rights and only do so for legitimate business purposes.
‘BPAY Scheme’ means the scheme operated by BPAY which governs the way in which we provide Osko to you.
‘Misdirected Payment’ means a NPP Payment erroneously credited to the wrong account because of an error in relation to the recording of the PayID or Linked Account information in the PayID Service.
‘NPP’ means the New Payments Platform.
‘NPP Payment’ means a payment cleared and settled via the NPP, and includes Osko Payments.
‘Osko’ means the Osko Payment service provided by BPAY Pty Ltd.
‘Osko Payment’ means a payment made by or on behalf of a payer to a payee using Osko.
‘Organisation ID’ means an identifier for a customer that is a business customer or organisation, which accurately represents the name of the account holder and contains a description of the business and/or its geographic location, including suburb/town and state.
‘PayID’ means a unique identifier and which is any of the following, which can be linked to a financial account for the purpose of directing a NPP Payment or instructions to that account:
(a) a telephone number or email address; or
(b) any other type of identifier as permitted by NPP and supported by us.
‘PayID Name’ means the name registered with a PayID which identifies the owner of the account associated with the PayID Service.
‘PayID Service’ means the payment addressing service for sending and receiving a NPP Payment.