Transfer money

Heritage Online Help Centre

How to

Transfer money is accessible under the Transfers menu in Heritage Online.

This will allow you to electronically transfer money from one of your account to another account. This could be:

  • To another Heritage account
  • To an account at another Australian financial institution (an inter-bank transfer). 
  • To an account overseas (an international transfer).

You can choose to make the transfer now, or schedule it for a later date. Learn more about scheduled transfers below.

Scheduled transfers

You can set up a regular scheduled transfer to another Heritage account or another financial institution. Follow the transfer money process above and select the option to perform transfer later.

If you are paying to a Heritage Credit Card, Line of Credit, Personal Loan or Home Loan, the Optional Payment Instruction section will appear. This will allow you to select a automatic repayment option.

If you need help calculating your repayments, or if you have an Interest Only loan type, call us for assistance 24/7 on 13 14 22. If you are experiencing difficulties making your repayments, we have financial hardship relief available. 

Credit Card or Line of Credit

You have the option to choose one of the following scheduled repayment types, if funds are available in your account: 

  • Pay by MinPay 
    Pay the minimum repayment amount on your statement due date
  • Pay by DuePay
    Pay the amount due on your statement, payable on the due date
  • Pay by BalPay 
    Pay the complete outstanding amount on your credit card on a given day during the month

Personal Loan or Home Loan

You have the option to choose the following scheduled repayment types, if funds are available in your account:

  • Pay the current repayment amount, on the date you choose
    This will divide your required monthly repayment by the frequency of repayments you have selected. For example, if your monthly repayment is $2000 and you have selected the ‘Weekly’ payment option, your payment per week will be set to $500; the monthly amount divided by four.

    If your monthly repayment amount changes, then the weekly/fortnightly amount will also change in the next payment cycle. This calculation will not take into account the number of payments that will be taken before your first automatic repayment, so make sure you have made sufficient payments to cover the amount of your first repayment.

  • Pay a set amount, on the date you choose
    This can be a good option if you wish to pay more than your minimum repayment. For example, if your minimum monthly repayment is $2000, you could choose to set your monthly repayment at $2500 and pay your loan off sooner. 

     You should always make sure you have made sufficient payments to cover the amount due.

Our Contact Centre is here to help you with internet banking, account troubleshooting, card management and lots more.

Call our internet banking support line on 1300 722 767 or tap here for live assistance.