Have you seen an account transaction you don't recognise, a duplicate charge or paid for goods and services that were not received? If you need to dispute an unknown, unauthorised or fraudulent transaction, we're here to help. Read through this help guide, then get in touch with us to get started.
We’ll be able to help you with most enquiries, such as:
Contact us soon as you can on 13 14 22 to lodge your dispute. Our Contact Centre can take the details of your dispute over the phone.
If you suspect unauthorised transactions, we'll be required to cancel your card to prevent future use of the card (if you haven't done so already). We may request a Police Report from you. We will also need to know the location of the card at the time of the transaction occurring. For example, was the card in your wallet, lost, stolen or left at a friend’s house?
Please note, a transaction can only be disputed once the store/merchant has processed it in full.
After you submit a dispute, we will acknowledge receipt of your dispute in writing.
We may need to contact you if we need additional information to support the dispute, such as:
How long will it take to resolve my dispute?
What happens when I report an ATM dispute?
Can I cancel a dispute?
All Heritage disputes using a card and PIN are governed under the ePayments Code of Conduct outlined in the Guide to Heritage Deposit Products.
If you are unhappy with your dispute experience and would like to make a complaint, there are a number of ways to let us know. Visit our Complaint Management Promise page for steps on how to make a complaint.
This will determine how best we can help.