Heritage Bank urges Australians to “own your banking”

Heritage Bank supports campaign urging consumers to look for alternatives to the major banks

23 May 2018

Heritage Bank CEO Peter Lock today threw his support behind a new campaign that encourages Australians to “Own Your Banking’ by looking at the benefits of the customer-owned banking sector.

The Customer Owned Banking Association (COBA) this week launched the campaign following increased interest and demand from customers for banking they can trust. 

COBA is the peak industry body representing 74 customer-owned financial institutions, and four million customers, across Australia.

“Own Your Banking is a direct response to our members telling us they’ve seen an uptick in customer interest and enquiries because people are shocked by stories they’ve been hearing in the Royal Commission,” COBA CEO Michael Lawrence said.

“Our model is the only alternative that can claim it is solely customer focused because 100% of profits are used to benefit customers. This is what we’re communicating through the ‘Own your Banking’ campaign.

 “We hope ‘Own Your Banking’ will let consumers know there are plenty of alternatives in the Australian banking market that can be trusted to put them first.”

Mr Lock said that as Australia’s largest customer-owned bank, Heritage also wanted all consumers to be aware that there was much more to the country’s financial sector than just the big banks.

“The customer-owned model takes a very different approach. Our top priority is the best interests of our customers,” Mr Lock said.

“We offer great rates and personalised service, which is probably why our customer satisfaction ratings are consistently high.

“If you are fed up with the attitude of the big banks, take the time to check out what customer-owned institutions like Heritage Bank have to offer.”

To find out more about the COBA campaign, visit ownyourbanking.com.au, view the campaign video and join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #OwnYourBanking.


For more information please contact:

Andrew Fox, Corporate Communications Manager, Heritage - 0419 714 204; heritagepr@heritage.com.au

Daniel McDougall, Senior Manager Media & Communication, COBA -  0407 637 541, dmcdougall@coba.asn.au

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